Antimatter - The Yin Yang OF Nature

by - 23:10

The Yin Yang of nature

Hey there, today we are going to talk about the counterpart of matter which is Antimatter.

For each type of particle of matter, there is a corresponding type of particle of antiparticle. An antiparticle has the same mass as its particle partner, but all its other characteristics are opposite of its particle’s. 

For example, the antielectron has the same mass as an electron, but its electric charge is +1, whereas the electron’s electric charge is -1.

Just like the electron, all the particles which have an electric charge have an antiparticle of the same mass but opposite electric charge. This property makes the particle and antiparticle very different from each other.

Some electrically neutral particles are their own antiparticles. Photons, the particles of light, and antiphotons are one and the same thing. Other neutral bosons such as Z0 and graviton are also their own antiparticle.

Neutrons and antineutrons have both zero charge, but they are the different particle. Neutrons are made of quarks and antineutrons are made of antiquarks. The electric charges of antiquarks are different from quarks and therefore the difference between neutrons and antineutrons. 

If a particle and an antiparticle combine, they annihilate – they totally destroy one another and leave behind only energy - no residual charge, no residual matter, no residual anything. After the pair annihilates no trace remains that the particle and antiparticle ever existed. 

We can rewind it too. Any particle and antiparticle pair can be created from pure energy. This is bread-and-butter of experimental particle physics. By smashing two particles together often enough and hard enough we eventually create every particle nature allows, with its antiparticle.

We are content what we find. In fact, we don't know what we are going to find. It is like a lottery.

If the available energy in a collision is E we can create any particle-antiparticle pair whose combined mass is less than E/c 2 (due to Einstein’s equation E=mc2). Physicists always want higher energy particle accelerators – all the better to cook up new particles.

Creation of a neutron

For example, an antineutron and a neutron are created from the collision energy of two protons.

In almost all cases, any interaction that can occur among a group of a particle can also occur among the corresponding group of antiparticles. Nature is not bias, it supports both the particles and antiparticles. This is called CP-symmetry.

However, this is not the case every time, sometimes the CP-symmetry is broken i.e. this process can create more particles than antiparticles.

This played a crucial role in the history of the evolution of the universe. It allowed slightly more matter than antimatter to develop during the first one second of existence. The difference was very small.  For example, for every one billion antielectrons there were 1 billion and ONE electrons.

After the universe was one second old; it was too cool(less kinetic energy) for new particle and antiparticle pairs to form from a collision.

Antimatter annihilated with matter creating a tremendous amount of photons and leaving behind the slight excess of matter that had developed earlier. The antimatter ran out and today there is almost no antimatter left in the universe

Everything we see is made of a slight excess of matter.

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